Feb 25, 2020
In this episode, Stacy sits down with Mark Donnigan who is the Vice President of Marketing at Beamr, a company that leads in global, video software technology. The two discuss the importance of category design in B2B marketing, as well as how certain marketing approaches and strategies can help bring in sales and fight...
Feb 18, 2020
In this episode, Stacy sits down with Joe Gagliese, the co-founder and CEO of Viral Nation. The two discuss the difficulties of influencer marketing, and what lessons they have learned from their experience. Joe also gives his insight on which social media platforms are here to stay, and how brands can benefit from...
Feb 11, 2020
In this episode, Stacy discusses the costs involved with social influencer marketing, and the potential risks you need to be aware of to manage internal expectations.
Feb 4, 2020
In this episode, Stacy sits down with expert level Certified Life Coach Tullio Siragusa, who is also a Chief Strategy Officer at Nearsof as well as a co-producer and host of the podcast DojoLIVE! The two discuss how a sense of self impacts your leadership and business, and they discuss all there is to know about...